"Be willing to do the things your competition wont do" was Kevin Maxwell's approach when he started his business in Farmer City more than 30 years ago. Kevin, along with his son Austin Maxwell, now CEO of Maxwell Counters, gave the CICEO students a look behind the scenes of their business. Our tour began in the showroom so the students could keep the end in mind as the walked through the production process. Their story is inspiring and encouraging to these young entrepreneurs. Hard work, the will to succeed, seeking wisdom from mentors, and a vision for what could be attributes to the success of Maxwell Counters. The best advice given to the students during our visit was "When a door closes, a window opens...if you stare at the door, you will miss the window."

Maxwell Counters is an investor of the CICEO program. Additionally they have hosted a site visit for the past 4 years and have been behind the scenes supporters of the CEO program. We want to give a special thank you to Kevin Maxwell for also serving on the CICEO Board. This program would not be possible without the generosity of businesses and people like the Maxwell family!

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