We had the best morning at Krekels Forsyth learning about two business partnerships from two locally owned, family businesses.

Jay & Rex, owners of Rays Chili and Red Door Spice Co, shared their entrepreneurial journey. As they were working to build their spice company they were approached by Chad Krekel with some spice needs he had at Krekels, his families business. A business partnership was formed and twelve years later they continue to work together.

Jeanna Griffiths, Vice President of Red Door Spice Co and CEO Mentor, shared how she ended up joining the family business after Covid shut the doors of her former business.

Partnerships and customer relationships were main topics of our site visit. Additionally Jay recommended that before starting a business you should research it, make sure to find influential people to partner with or help you, build relationships and focus on maintaining them and never burn bridges!

We loved learning about both businesses and enjoyed the sample of custard! Thank you for a great visit!